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Monday, January 9, 2012
Dow Episode 02: Wall & Floor
Saturday, January 7, 2012
How to Do Window Tinting
Window Tinting BMPs - Best Management Practices and Procedures. Every auto detailer who lives in works south of the Mason Dixon line or in a large metro area has asked themselves; should I offer window tinting to my customers? Every wholesale auto detailer in such states in areas has probably been asked by their customers, namely new car dealerships and small used car dealerships, do you know anybody who does window tinting? That simple question spins around your mind like a thought you can control, hey, maybe I should you window tinting, what can I charge, how do you do it? Is it difficult?
Many auto detailer's and professional car care specialists or even those that call themselves mobile car washers and detailer's have considered such a tact. Some have found that they did not have proper training, that was not as easy as it looked in that they had made a grave mistake. While others seem to have a knack for tinting windows tinting windows is as much an art as a science you have to mistake and a careful I and patience, just the thing for a detailer, well at least a professional one, someone who is into the details. Here are some tips and ideas that may help you decide if you want to go get some professional training, and start offering such services. There are some relatively basic steps that does the profession must follow. It is not easy, but in theory it is simple. First you must prepare the surface of the window, the window must be perfectly clean with not even the finest speck of dust. It saves a lot of time if you have proper tools for window tinting, for instance some hard-cards, a heat gun and some in razor blades.
It is also nice to have a tiny squeegee. You'll see seasoned professionals who also carry around paper towels and dishes soap. You also need to look out for the things like automotive caulking compounds and weather stripping sticking out, these can make for it to install, any need to take care these things upfront. Also, make sure there are no cellular phone or satellite radio antenna components on the inside the window. If there are you're going to the work around us any need to put extra liquid around us area so you can move the tent around to get in the right spot before you start cutting up the shape of the razor blade.
We have often seen old antenna mounts or leftover glue on the windows that we didn't see due to the lighting or shading when we first started, and there you are with a soapy film mass with one hand it is a razor blade to scrape of the other hand, all the while knowing that you don't do everything right, he could easily fold over the window tent and have to start completely over any just by yourself extra material. This is why you should pay extra attention to every square into the surface of the interior of the window before attempting this procedure. Once this is completed while the window film is still dry, you need to cut the film to the basic shape of the window. The easiest way to do this is to lay on the outside of the window and cut into the basic shape in a nylon paper, but leave yourself a little extra room. Then take the nylon paper and slightly moisten the window to the desired amount and lay the paper against the inside of the window and then smooth out the paper working from the center outward in all directions. As you get towards the edges make a few cuts along the edge. Cut the paper to the exact shape and then lay it on top of the film w/liner.
Trace around the outside of the paper on top after you tape down four edges and are sure it is perfectly flat. If you have and areas where you have to go around like the mirrors you have already cut the opening in the paper and will trace that opening on to the film and peel sheet. Once you have the perfect shape you are ready to go and install the tint. Now place this on the window in the right place after you have put some soapy water on the inside of the window, pull back the first 1/3 of the peel sheet and spray the window tint showing with adhesive window solution. It best if you never touch the window film itself during this process. Makes sure the edges are lined up on all sides. Slowly peel and spray adhesive and work any air bubbles out you want to leave about one-eight inch from the top of the window and work downwards. By using the squeegee you need to slowly work downward all the to the bottom and out to the sides, it is okay to let the solution move down with your squeegee, it is better to use a little extra solution than not enough. Once everything is correct use the plastic hard tool too bring down the solution and any soapy water and then pat and buff the moisture left.
To keep the plastic tool from ripping often it is advised to use a paper towel wrapped around it. This is what we have seen most operators do who are seasoned and experienced. One recent problem we have seen in the last few years is those windows with safety glass, which have a dot pattern on the edges. This makes things a little tougher.
You want to use more adhesive on the edges otherwise it will try to peel up. So use more solution as you are working outward and try to work upward on the initial point of contact, some of this extra solution will roll down, but that is okay you need a tight seam at the top. Another issue is to advise your clients of the law in your state if one exists for window tinting.
Many states outlaw black out tinting commonly referred to a Limo tinting, some allow SUVs to have tint like this but not cars, some states SUVs can have it in the back, but not in the front. There are so many laws you need to know what your state says and also and if you live near a border to another state, well? Best to know those laws too. In some stats the operator is responsible, other states the vehicle owner and in some states the installer also. Great more laws, yep. Get use to it you are in an over regulated industry.
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Thursday, January 5, 2012
False Eyelash Adhesive - How to Achieve Maximum Hold Giving You Perfect, Natural Eyelashes
There are countless women who admit to having a problem with fake lashes. Many women I have spoken to simply dismiss false lashes as a gimmick stating "they never stay on my eyes" or "they just look un-natural!". Well this can be true and I'm sure you can relate to this because, when I first was introduced to fake lashes little over 2 years ago I was exactly the same.
Learning the hard way: Why I avoid glue that comes with false eyelashes
I was first introduced to falsies by my friend Alisha who swore by them and wore them almost everyday in the workplace and for evenings out. She recommended I start with some self adhesive false eyelashes. These where the kind with a fine strip of eyelash adhesive on the ridge, which you were supposed to peel off and apply to your eyelid. Of course, it did not turn out as expected. Leaving me with half the lash hanging off my eye, which was very embarrassing!
The next logical progression was onto lashes with glue included in the pack. Although these were way easier to apply the glue just did not hold so again I was always the one left with one eyelash hanging off my eye, just the same as the self adhesive eyelashes. I later did some research into false eyelash bonding and discovered that the false eyelash adhesive that comes pre-packaged with a lot of the popular false lash brands is low quality and made with chemicals that can cause skin irritation. Generally this is because the chemicals are supposed to react with the skin and form a firm hold, like a false eyelash sealant. However this is often not the case and the chemicals lose their effectiveness over time causing friction and irritation as the lash rubs against the eye. It is hard to believe that false eyelash cement is overlooked by reputable companies who only seem to focus on the eyelashes themselves.
Finally I found the secret to gorgeous, natural looking lashes
Feeling pretty confident that I could at least apply false eyelash glue, I researched online and found there are a handful of retailers that stocked lash adhesive separately and found that this extra investment was the secret ingredient to achieving a professional, natural look with false lashes.
From that day forward I have never experienced any real problems from adhesive except maybe the slight irritation with daily use but that is to be expected! I also find that it is easier to glue fake lashes with the individual false eyelash cement. I have started to use a cocktail stick to gently apply the lash adhesive onto the ridge of the lash. This technique works really well and avoids any contact with the lash itself. Remember to leave a 20 second delay between application to the eyelid to ensure a strong false eyelash sealant is created around the lash glue and the skin.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
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